My purpose is to record this event as part of Barnes family history. I use the phrase “WW2 War Story” in the title to acknowledge that it is not corroborated by any contemporaneous photographs or even written down in the journal Dr. R. Bowling Barnes kept during his time in Germany just before the close of World War Two…
I came across this video and was once again impressed with Rory’s skill at grabbing the microphone and taking over the show. He threw himself so convincingly into the role of a commentator…. Wow! A part of a lovely celebration of Paw’s birthday back in our early days at Wyndemere…
In reading “Robert’s Paw’s Boyhood” (see specific section below), I discovered something completely unknown to me, but very popular with Eli Barnes, his family, and friends…
When George visited us in Belfast, he handed me a wooden box of black and white negatives that belonged to my father. The notes say they relate to his graduate studies in Germany. Some were 35mm film rolls, the rest were 2.25 X 3.25 inch flat negatives….
One really blustery rainy day in the Spring of 1947 (George was just born), I was sitting on the porch of Paw’s home in Montgomery and spotted something yellow floating in the gutter of Wilson Street…
The digitized version of Robert’s Paw’s Boyhood is now here for all to enjoy!
I am rationing myself to just a few stories a day while reading "Robert’s Paw’s Boyhood.” The alligator in Paw’s “big trough” was a complete surprise to me and that is where I am now….
The digitized version of Robert’s Paw’s Boyhood is now here for all to enjoy!
Hi Paw! I was talking to Krissy recently about Mommichen's ancestry and she encouraged me to reach out to you. She told me that she heard Mommichen was Jewish, do we have any evidence to support that? Thank you. - Leila
More stories from Mommichen’s “Einstein Years” …
Rory, I was delighted to learn that you have discovered that your hours of community service might, with good luck, be served aboard the “USS Intrepid.” Wow!
Roxanne’s New Orleans’ home… very close to 30N by -90W!
When I was very young but old enough to remember it well … my dad woke me up on a clear, winter night to take me out into the backyard of 60 Westover Road to see waving curtains of green light in the sky that lasted for a long time.
Science Projects with Paw, Winter Break circa 1979
Even more stories from the “Einstein Years” … this one including a teacup
It lay hidden under entangling briars, tree limbs and brush…
At the “company store” of General Dynamics Convair in San Diego, I was delighted to find all manner of high precision parts that had become obsolete or been ‘Downgraded” to a status that would not allow them to be used in spaceflight equipment.
My older cousin, Temple Bowling, lied about his age at Maxwell Field in Montgomery and got flight training and went to war with Germany flying Lockheed P-38s.