Extra Alabama Story: Robbie’s Duck

Extra Alabama Story: Robbie’s Duck

One really blustery rainy day in the Spring of 1947 (George was just born), I was sitting on the porch of Paw’s home in Montgomery and spotted something yellow floating in the gutter of Wilson Street. I ran and scooped it up just before it would have pitched down the open street drain. I felt very heroic. because that soggy yellow lump turned out to be a small duckling and it was looking up at me. Back around the house I ran and up the steep rear stairs and found Claudia in her kitchen. I knew would she would know just what to do. We fussed and dried the little fellow who seemed uninjured and calm enough to be held in one hand without jumping out. Claudia arranged for an eye dropper filled with warmed cream and molasses. The duckling seemed to like it just fine. A small box with wood shavings was arranged near the always warm side of Claudia's big black stove. The duckling seemed to like that just fine, too.

For the rest of our Spring Vacation to Alabama, a yearly event for me and George while we grew up, I played with that duck. I don’t recall its name, although I am sure we gave it a really good one. 

A year later, the next Spring Vacation to Alabama trip, I ran in to Claudia’s kitchen to see my duck.

“Oh child, we ate that duck” she told me, matter-of-factly.

Dr. Robert Bowling Barnes on a Steamer Heading for Berlin

Dr. Robert Bowling Barnes on a Steamer Heading for Berlin

Robert's Paw's Boyhood - Continued!

Robert's Paw's Boyhood - Continued!