Mommichen and the Tea Parties of "The Einstein Years"...

Mommichen and the Tea Parties of "The Einstein Years"...

Mommichen was, of course, a unique observer. Like Mrs. Einstein, she was new to the United States, new to Princeton, and new to the faculty of the highly esteemed Physics Department. She was also young and inexperienced in the politics of the group and especially the senior professor’s wives for whom, she reported, one-ups-man-ship was a serious sport.

The sugar cube:

One event she told us about often started when one of the rival wives grasped a sugar cube with her fingers, without using the fussy little tongs that were provided on the sterling silver tea service. The hostess noticed the opportunity. In a loud whisper, she instructed her maid to dump out the remaining sugar cubes and get new untouched ones. Everyone noticed. After a while, the gal who had been offended finished her tea, thanked the hostess, and threw her china teacup into the burning fireplace, saying: “I don’t suppose you would ever use this cup again.”

School Science Projects ... on steroids

School Science Projects ... on steroids

Russia Problem... in 1904

Russia Problem... in 1904