Intrepid Rory

Intrepid Rory

Rory, I was delighted to learn that you have discovered that your hours of community service might, with good luck, be served aboard the “USS Intrepid.” Wow!

Fingers crossed that you can secure a slot on that team.

The photo below is one of my favorites. It was taken on our fabulous family visit. I believe you are sitting in the captain’s command chair.

Hey …. Why don’t you send a copy to the folks who arrange volunteer positions and say: “I have been wanting to serve on the “Intrepid” since I was a kid.

LoveYa! Paw & Nonni

Webmaster’s Note: Rory’s interest in the Intrepid came at them out of the blue, so while it might not yield a community service post for him this year, but it looks to have paved the way for some of NEXT year’s Beacon High School Sophomores. Stay tuned!

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