Virtual Tour of Sistene Chapel

Virtual Tour of Sistene Chapel

The photography/computer technology available today allows us to view wondrous things. Here is the Sistine Chapel in all its glory and displayed so anyone can explore it, in high magnification, at their leisure, from their desk. It is astonishing

A suggestion. Start by pushing the arrow keys to look straight up at the ceiling. Hit the zoom-in key. With any luck you will be looking at the iconic image of God stretching out his arm to Adam … fingers almost touching. Michelangelo nailed that one in 1508.

In the shorthand way of remembering things, that is what pops up in my head when anyone mentions the Sistine Chapel …. But, pretty much only that.

Hey … surprise … it turns out that there are hundreds of other image details to look at.
Pick any panel and zoom all the way in. Dwell there. Then use the arrows to slowly scroll left and right and up and down just a bit. Study their faces, their figure, their posture, their clothing. Brand new characters constantly appear, telling their own story, arguing, adoring, looking guilty, carrying out normal business, gazing at a nearby naked maiden. Take your time and dwell on details. Visit the corners of the chapel as well as the big featured wall panels and the ceiling.

Special thanks to Mark Pratt for finding this. Hope you enjoy it.

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