SpaceX S-15 Flight

SpaceX S-15 Flight

First of all …. SpaceX finally “stuck-the-landing” with yesterday's Serial Number 15 flight in their Starship program. No monumental explosion at the end.

Second …. The video below shows the take-off and successful landing. Clouds obscured the high-altitude portion. View this portion at least.

Third …. I chose this peculiar video because it then goes on to describe SpaceX’s Starship program’s next phases in some detail …. All the way out to flights to the Moon.

Fourth ….. The video has been pieced together from a number of SpaceX, NASA and third-party sources. Also, you will immediately recognize that the voice, the video narrative, has been generated using a voice synthesis program. This is, by itself, an amusing lesson in hearing a robot try to speak like a real person. The expression is weird, but the facts are straight.

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