Unusual Lunar Eclipse Photo

Unusual Lunar Eclipse Photo

Total Lunar Eclipse 2022

I pulled this surprising photo of the lunar eclipse from one of my science newsfeeds.

The astrophysicist - photographer combined photos of the Moon from just before the first encounter with the shadow of the Earth until the last. It has the effect of “imaging” the Earth’s shadow in space. The Moon, in its orbit, slides through this shadow. The central, red image it when the Moon is completely in the shadow, and is only illuminated by all the red sunsets around the edge of the Earth

There must have been some serious corrections for brightness (a change in the camera's exposure). The Moon, or even a just a sliver of the Moon when illuminated by the Sun is far brighter than the “Blood Moon.” At the totality, only the red glow of the Earth’s upper atmosphere is available to illuminate the Moon.

What an innovative project! A whole new way to see the Earth’s ever present shadow.

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